Friday, December 7, 2018

How to Successfully Prepare to Take an Exam

How to Successfully Prepare to Take an Exam
One of the most effective methods for studying or preparing for an exam is to use a light and sound alpha or theta program with an accompanying audio recording of your notes and information for your test in your own voice. Many times the mind will tune out a voice for any number of reasons, but research suggests that by recording the information in your own voice, your mind will listen.
This is an excellent study technique because you first review your notes before recording, then review them during recording, plus all the many other times you listen to the recording while you run a light and sound program. Try using a theta brainwave frequency program first while listening to your recording as theta is generally recognized as the “learning” state. However, remember that we are all different, we all think differently, so if learning and memorizing while in theta does not feel right, then try alpha. Your goal for using light and sound with your personal recording should be the assimilation of new information with high memory retention.
Steve Brager is a certified Resource Specialist and Special Education Teacher in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Several years ago we began a learning relaxation program utilizing light and sound for his hyperactive and learning disabled students.

Many of Steve’s students are bused into the San Fernando Valley from outlying areas while others are from single parent homes with little to no supervision. Oftentimes they are not prepared for school, which makes Steve’s responsibility of teaching them that much more difficult. Light and sound brainwave stimulationhas helped. 
One student in particular, who was having a hard time controlling his temper at home, came to me one day and with a very big smile described how light and sound enabled him to realize when his anger at others would begin to develop. Unfortunately, his anger was usually directed at his grandmother, because she was there when he would arrive home each day from school. That day when he arrived home, instead of getting mad at his grandmother, he went up to his bedroom and laid down for a few minutes. As he was lying there, he closed his eyes and remembered how he felt when he was doing a light and sound session. This enabled him to calm down and relax. Then he went back downstairs and hugged his grandmother.
Both Steve and I have been pleasantly surprised by how many parents have come up to Steve and said “We don’t know exactly what you are doing with our children, but their behavior at home has gotten better. Please keep it up.” 
Students will realize far less stress and pretest anxiety when using theta light and sound programs while preparing for exams. And a calm mind is much more receptive to retaining new information, a side advantage that comes from studying while in deeper states of consciousness. Much like Steve Brager’s students demonstrated when positive feelings coinsided with completing assignments.
So if you own a light and sound machine, utilize its theta programs while you study. The benefits include: improved focus on the task at hand, increased memory retention and a reduction in anxieties associated with taking tests.



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