Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Brainwave Manipulation

Brainwave Manipulation
All of us want to feel our best. Some people meditate, some do yoga, we all exercise and try to eat right and get enough sleep. But there are still days where our mental, emotional and physical states feel somehow out of whack or off-balance. Unable to focus or capable of prolonged concentration, we battle through as best we can. Then along comes someone who has their act together 24/7. What’s their trick? Brainwave manipulation.
EEG Neurofeedback can show via monitor exactly what frequencies are the dominate (at that specific time) brainwaves being generated, and depending upon which area of the brain is being measured, can improve the participant’s performance through positive audio tones when the targeted brainwave frequency goal is met. Much like good old biofeedback, but having the benefit of seeing real time actual measurements of the beta, alpha, theta and delta frequencies being produced.  Still, in order for the participant to attain their frequency goal, they must produce that frequency with no outside help except for those positive beeps and tones. Meditation is another example of calming and focusing oneself with no outside assistance. We are taught to believe that either we manipulate our brainwaves via constant practice or for whatever reason choose to meet those goals pharmaceutically.
To get it right EEG neurofeedback can take months and meditation can take years. As for prescribed medications… if they are not absolutely necessary stay away from them. Too many side effects. Because of all the advancements in technology, what we were taught does not always hold true today. Take something like having an out-of-sorts day and changing those feelings without any conscious effort on your part. 

For brainwave manipulation use entrainment. Through the use of audio (headphones) and visual (eye frames with LEDs or RGB-based LEDchips) stimulation, participants are gently guided into specific states of mind, be it beta, alpha, theta or delta. Each audio beat and light pulse is a specific frequency. Our minds “think” in terms of frequency. Brainwaves change frequencies based on neural activity within the brain, be it by hearing, touch, smell, vision and/or taste. These senses respond to activity from the environment and transmits that information to the brain via electrical pulses. Hearing and vision are considered favorable senses for affecting brainwaves safely. By presenting these beats and pulses to the brain, within a few minutes, the brain begins to mimic or follow the same frequencies as the stimuli (the beats and pulses). This process is referred to as entrainment. In essence, light and sound instruments speak to the mind in it’s own language- the language of frequency. 

As mentioned, using a light and sound instrument requires no conscious effort. The participant sits back, gets comfortable, closes their eyes and presses start. An out-of-sorts day remedy is often a twenty minute alpha session for relaxed, focused concentration. Light and sound stimulation is exercise for your brain and a mood change for your mind.
So the trick those people who always have it together 24/7 is the choice they make to use light and sound stimulation for overcoming those out-of-sorts days.

From https://mindmachines1.blogspot.com/2019/01/brainwave-manipulation.html


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